Ku LNB 10.70-12.75 GHz WDL DUAL

LNB Ku-Band DVB-S2X WDL Dual Output

• External or Internal reference models
• Dual output Low and High band

The Swedish Microwave Ku-Band LNB is a well proven product with high reliability. The product is designed for simultaneous reception of Low & High Ku-Band 10.70-12.75 GHz.

Can also be ordered as a Quattro output LNB for both Horizontal and Vertical polarization including OMT and weather protection case - Ku LNB 10.70-12.75 GHz WDL QUATTRO.

Product Specification

Documents & Files 41C25639-EC1E-4330-A85F-624D51C798E8

Product Sheets

Ku LNB 10.70-12.75 GHz WDL Dual output and Quattro Product Sheets 2401 PDF 396.2 KB

Technical Drawings

Ku LNB 10.70-12.75 GHz WDL Dual Output Technical Drawings 2401 PDF 213.82 KB
0A9B9D99-C32E-4C0D-8151-8708A9EE8F74 Configure Standard Product
911FAA0D-415A-44A3-B685-2D842F37E321 Request Tailor-Made Product
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